I'm still slogging away on Elbow's super graphic "ugly blanket". It's almost finished, just 1 1/2 more pattern repeats to go. As the weather warms up it is harder and harder to work on it for any real length of time. I've made several hats in the past month or so but they haven't turned out as I had hoped. I made them in an attempt to disguise my new haircut and one of them works OK but the others. . . we won't go there. I also finished up a sweater from a year ago that only needed a sleeve. I'm really pleased with it and will be
I've also been busy getting everything set up for school this fall. I'm excited to get back to it, but there are so many hoops to jump through with this place! I spent all day yesterday running around town getting documents and signatures and tests. It was exhausting but it's finally done. Maybe now I can get back to the Almanac. I really wanted to make the Pi Shawl again this go round. There is this great yarn that my MIL brought back from Latvia that is begging to be a Pi.